June 25, 2015
Archives Nationales
18:00 Keynote Speech by Dr Önder Bayır
Director of the Ottoman Archives, Istanbul
«The Ottoman Imperial Archives:
A Key Place for the Study of Jerusalem History»
19:00 Cocktail
11 rue des Quatre Fils 75003 – Salle d’Albâtre
June 26, 2015
Opening Jerusalem’s Archives and Digital Histories
Interconnecting Methods, Tools and Practices
Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
Laboratoire ACP – EA 3350
Bâtiment Bois de l’étang – Salle 6
Cité Descartes (RER A / Noisy-Champs)
9:30 Vincent Lemire (UPEM): Open Jerusalem Project: A Transnational, Bottom-Up and Collaborative Experience
10:00 Elisa Grandi (Université Paris VII): Digital History. Concepts, Methods and Historiographical Debates
10:30 Pierre Yves Saunier (Université Laval): Writing Open Jerusalem: The www Option
11:00 coffee break
11:15 Francesca Morselli (Cendari): CENDARI. Methodologies of the Collaborative European Archival Infrastructure for the Study of WW1 and Medieval Culture
11:45 Maria Chiara Rioli (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): Open Jerusalem: A Project of Digital Public History?
12:15 – 13: discussion
13:00 – 14:30 lunch break
14:30 Andrea Violante (NiEW): User Experience Design and User Centered Design Methodologies to Drive a Digital Project Within and Beyond the Margins of the Screen
14:45 Stéphane Ancel (Open Jerusalem) / Yann Potin (Archives Nationales): Imperial Ottoman Archives and Open Jerusalem Project: How to Deal with 19600 documents?
15:00 Angelos Dalachanis (Princeton University): Zotero in Jerusalem: Creating an Open Bibliographic Database
15:15 Luca Martinelli (Wikimedia Italy): Information in the Digital Commons: How to Make Knowledge Really Open
15:45 Chiara Scesa (NiEW): Pervasive Information Architecture for Historical Ecosystems. Designing Cross-Channel User Experiences to Move from the Digital to the Physical Environment and Back
16:15 Michele Mauri (Politecnico, Milan): Data Visualization for Digital Collections
16:45 Dario Ingiusto (Mapping the World): Mapping Jerusalem’s Archives and Open Jerusalem Project
17:15 discussion