After five years of work, the Open Jerusalem team is thrilled to announce the opening of its new website.
Discover the new Open Jerusalem website! Browse the catalogue of Jerusalem’s archives and follow the Open Jerusalem research and events.
After five years of work, the Open Jerusalem team is thrilled to announce the opening of its new website.
Discover the new Open Jerusalem website! Browse the catalogue of Jerusalem’s archives and follow the Open Jerusalem research and events.
The project’s international workshop, entitled “Opening Open Jerusalem: Tracing Historical Paths through the Jerusalem Archives Digital Platform,” takes place at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice on 8–9 October 2018.
It aims to serve as a forum for presenting the new Open Jerusalem web platform (www.openjerusalem.org), deepening discussions and initiating scientific debates, with contributions from members of the Open Jerusalem team, scholars specializing in related topics, urban historians and specialists of the region.
The online catalogue of the Open Jerusalem project is for researchers, students, professionals and members of the public interested in late modern history of Jerusalem. The catalogue contains summary descriptions, transcripts or digitised documents of thousand of records from numerous archives related to the history of late Ottoman and Mandate Jerusalem.
Despite the results already achieved, other archives remain to be identified. Open Jerusalem’s work goes on, ready to discover new traces of Jerusalem’s past, present and future.
We’re delighted to announce that the first volume of the Open Jerusalem series, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940: Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City, edited by Angelos Dalachanis and Vincent Lemire, is now published and available online through this link: https://brill.com/view/title/36309
After the publication in French, English and Arabic, “Jerusalem 1900. The Holy City at the Age of Possibilities” by Open Jerusalem director Vincent Lemire has been just released in Hebrew by Magnes Press.
Open Jerusalem core team member Falestin Naili will give a lecture on Tuesday, 27 February, at the Institut français de Jordanie (IFJ) in Amman. The conference is entitled “The First World War in Jerusalem: The End of an Era?” and will be based on the analysis of the Jerusalem Municipal Council minutes and memoirs and diaries from that period.
READ MORE on the archival discovery, transcription and English translation of the Jerusalem Municipal Council minutes carried out in the framework of the Open Jerusalem project.
Les années de la Première Guerre mondiale constituent un tournant majeur dans l’histoire de Jérusalem, que les registres lacunaires du conseil municipal ne permettent d’élucider que croisés avec des mémoires et des journaux privés. Entre les fléaux naturels, les épidémies et le changement politique survenu en 1915, avec l’arrivée au pouvoir de gouverneur ottoman Çemal Pacha, la vie des habitants de la ville changea drastiquement, jusqu’à la reddition de décembre 1917.
Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 6:30pm, Institut français de Jordanie (Amman, Jabal al-Weibdeh)
The conference will be held in French and Arabic
On Tuesday 13 February Vincent Lemire, Open Jerusalem director, and Yann Potin, Open Jerusalem core team member, will give a lecture entitled “Opening the archives of Jerusalem: for a world history of the Holy City” during the workshop “Inside the Cradle of History” jointly organised by the Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem and the Center for Jerusalem studies at Al-Quds University. It will take place at the Old City campus, Damascus Gate, Aqabet Al-Sheikh Rihan.
The workshop is open to the public.
Abdul-Hameed Al-Kayyali, Open Jerusalem core team member, and Hassan Hassan, Open Jerusalem research collaborator, are the authors of the article on the Hebrew press in Late Ottoman Jerusalem entitled “القدس نهاية الفترة العثمانية في عيون الصحافة العبرية: مقاربة نظرية ونقدية”.
Benjamin Suc (Limonade&Co), Maria Chiara Rioli (UPEM/Open Jerusalem) and Louise Corvasier (UPEM/Open Jerusalem) are among the speakers at the fourth edition of the annual Digital Humanities conference organized by the Maison européenne des sciences de l’homme et de la société (MESHS). This year’s edition is co-organized with the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) of the University of Luxembourg. The theme is: “(De)constructing Digital History“. The conference will take place in November 27-29, 2017 in Lille, France.
The paper presentation will be devoted to “Le passé numérique d’une ville. Enjeux et potentialités de digital history à travers le projet Open Jerusalem“.
Maria Chiara Rioli, Open Jerusalem core team member, and Marion Blocquet, Open Jerusalem research collaborator, will be among the speakers at the conference entitled “In partibus fidelium”. Missions du Levant et connaissance de l’Orient chrétien (XIXe-XXIe siècles), organized by the research program MissMO. Missions chrétiennes et sociétés du Moyen-Orient : organisations, identités, patrimonialisation (XIXe-XXIe siècles).
Their paper presentation on “The characters of Jerusalem. The Franciscan Printing Press and the Terra Santa Review (1921-1940)” is part of the Open Jerusalem research project on the history of the Franciscan Printing Press.
READ the article «Family libraries and printing presses in Jerusalem (1840-1940): Production, circulation and reception of multilingual documents» (L. Dakhli, V. Lemire and A. Cohen)
Leyla Dakhli, CNRS researcher and Open Jerusalem core team member, will participate today to the panel Gendered Transformations: “New Women” of the Mandate Period with a presentation about Women at Work (Jerusalem, 1920-1936) at MESA Annual Meeting.
READ THE PRESENTATION OF THE PANEL Gendered Transformations: “New Women” of the Mandate Period
The new issue of the Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée is out. It includes the article by Falestin Naili, Open Jerusalem core team member, on “Chronique d’une mort annoncée ? La municipalité ottomane de Jérusalem dans la tourmente de la Première Guerre mondiale” (Chronicle of a Death Foretold? Jerusalem’s Ottoman municipality in the torment of the First World War).
The Italian edition of Jerusalem. Histoire d’une ville-monde (edited by Open Jerusalem director Vincent Lemire) has been recently published at Einaudi.
The English edition is forthcomig at the University of California Press.
Open Jerusalem contributed to this special issue of Jerusalem Quarterly on Diplomacy in Jerusalem with the paper “The Italian Consulate of Jerusalem. The History of a Forgotten Diplomatic Mission” by Roberto Mazza, Maria Chiara Rioli and Stéphane Ancel .
L’atelier d’automne du projet ERC “Open Jerusalem” aura lieu les 25-26 septembre 2017 à l’Ecole française de Rome. L’équipe-coeur travaillera sur l’avancée de la base de donnée AtoM, sur la configuration du futur portail web et sur la préparation du colloque final prévu à l’été 2018. Elle présentera également les premiers résultats du projet aux membres de l’Ecole intéressés. L’atelier n’est pas ouvert au public.
The Fall workshop of the ERC project “Open Jerusalem” will be held at the French School of Rome on 25-26 September 2017. The core team will work on the development of the AtoM database, the conception of the future web platform and the preparation of the final conference scheduled for Summer 2018. The team will also present the first outputs of the project to the members of the French School of Rome. The workshop is not open to the public.