Tag Archives: Transnational History

Vincent Lemire


Historian, University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Director of Open Jerusalem

Among his publications:

Academic webpage

Read his text:

«Ouvrir les archives d’une ville fermée?», «Ouvrir les archives», 13-14 April 2015


Pierre-Yves Saunier

Historian, University of Laval, Canada

Among his publications:

  • Wedges and webs. Rockefeller nursing fellowships 1920-1940″, in Giles Scott Smith and Ludovic Tournès ed., Global Exchanges: Scholarship and Transnational Circulations in the Contemporary World, Berghahn, 2017
  • «L’école d’infirmières de Lyon» & « L’action philanthropique états-unienne» , in Nicolas Beaupré, Anne Charmasson-Creus, Fanny Giraudier et Thomas Breban, Lyon sur tous les fronts. Une ville dans la grande guerre, Lyon: Silvana Editoriale, 2014
  • Transnational History, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
  • «The next big thing…historians, let us all be Belgians! A few comments about Belgium’s heuristic power», forum “Beyond Belgium: Encounters, Exchanges and Entanglements, 1900-1925», in Journal of Belgian History,  XLIII: 4, 2013, 150-154
  • «Les régimes circulatoires du domaine social 1800-1940: projets et ingénierie de la convergence et de la différence», Genèses, 71, juin 2008, 4-25
  • «Learning by Doing: Notes about the Making of the Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History», Journal of Modern European History, 2/2008, 159-180
  • with Shane Ewen, eds, Another Global City. Historical Explorations into the Transnational Municipal Moment 1850-2000, New York: Palgrave, 2008

Academic webpage

Read his text: