Tag Archives: seminar

Seminar Announcement, 27-29 September 2014


The core team of Open Jerusalem is going to meet up altogether for the very first time! We are really excited to start a new phase of our project.

Here you can find our strictly scheduled seminar program:

Sat 27, 1st day: team building

Sun 28, 2nd day: scientific framework

Mon 29, 3rd day: timetable of future development

We will report day by day some results of every session. So please follow us here on our new blog.

It’s time to launch our new social network channels: facebook page and twitter account. You are more than welcome in visiting us in our virtual space. Feel free to give back to us your comments and feedbacks by email.

Seminar Announcement, 18 June 2014



  • 9:00:  welcome
  • 9:15:  Vincent  Lemire  (Université Paris-Est): « Open Jerusalem Project : a first assessment after 5 months »
  • 9:30:  Falestin  Naïli  (IFPO  Amman):  «The  Ottoman  municipality  of  Jerusalem:  how  to reconstruct  the  history  of  a  forgotten  urban  institution».

–> Please click here to read her text

  • 10:00:  Merav  Mack (CRFJ)  «The  Survey  of  Archives  in  Jerusalem:  toward  a  completion».

–> Please click here to read her presentation

  • 10:30:  Pierre-­Yves  Saunier  (Université  de  Laval  -­  Québec):  «Jusqu’où  ouvrir  Jérusalem? Curiosités,  questions  et  apostilles   sur  le  projet  Open  Jerusalem»

–> Please click here to read his text

  • 11:30:  discussion


Photo: An Ottoman map of the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, from 1882-83 (1300 AH), from the Sâlnâme-yi vilâyet-i Sûriye 1300 AH. From the Hathi Trust



Seminar Announcement, 7 May 2014



  • 15:00: Vincent  Lemire (UPEM):  «Which internal / external communication for the Open Jerusalem Project?»
  • 15:30:  Elena  Astafieva  (CNRS):  «The  Russian  Presence  in  Palestine:  Political,  Religious  and Cultural  aspects,  1840-1920»

–> Please click here to read her presentation

  • 16:00:  Marie-­Alpais  Torcheboeuf  (Ecole  nationale  des  Chartes):  «Les  archives  de  l’Ecole biblique  et  archéologique  de  Jérusalem:  présentation  du  premier  inventaire»

–> Please click here to read her text

  • 16:30:  coffee  break
  • 17:00:  Yann  Potin  (Archives  de  France):  «Regard  d’un archiviste  sur  le  projet  Open Jerusalem»

–> Please click here to read his text

  • 17:30:  Merav  Mack (CRFJ): works  in  progress

–> Please click here to read her presentation

–> Please click here to read her second presentation

  • 18:00:  Discussion


Photo: The Mosque of Al-Aksa, Jerusalem between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington

Seminar Announcement, 8 April 2014



  • 14:00: Vincent  Lemire: «Jerusalem is not (only) in Jerusalem : a transnational project between local and global»
  • 14:30:  Prof.  Yaron  Ben‐Naeh (Professor, HUJI): «Where  did  the  Sephardim  Disappear?»
  • 15:00:  Stéphane  Ancel  (Hiob  Ludolf  Centre  for  Ethiopian  Studies,  Hambourg): «The  Ethiopian  Orthodox  Church  in  Jerusalem  and  its  Archives»

–> Please click here to read his text

  • 15:30:  coffee  break
  • 16:00:  Leyla  Dakhli  (CR-CNRS,  IREMAM):  «Imperial  multilingualism  and  national  translations?  Understanding  the  Ottoman  linguistic  practices»
  • 16:30:  Flavia  Ruani  (EPHE): «The  Syriac  Orthodox  Community  in  Jerusalem  and  its archives»

–> Please click here to read her text

  • 17:00:  Merav  Mack (CRFJ): works  in  progress  (last  visits, contacts,  finalization  of  the  questionnaire…)
  • 17:30:  Discussion


Photo: General view, Jerusalem between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington

Seminar Announcement, 20 March 2014



  • 15:00:  welcome
  • 15:30:  Vincent  Lemire:  «Under the Canopy: How to move in a documentary archipelago?»
  • 16:00:  Michelle  Campos  (ZMO  ‐  Zentrum  Moderner  Orient,  Berlin):  «‘Unmixing’  the  Holy City:  Civic  Disintegration  and  Urban  Segregation  in  Mandatory  Jerusalem»
  • 16:45:  Angelos  Dalachanis  (IREMAM,  Aix‐en-­Provence):  «From Suez  to  Jérusalem: studying  urban  and  social  history  through  the  Greek  archives»

–> Please click here to read his text

  • 17:30:  Merav  Mack (CRFJ):  works  in  progress  (last visits,  Christ  Church  Archives,  Sephardi  Community  Archives,  Questionnaire…)
  • 18:00:  Falestin  Naïli  (IFPO,  member  of  Open-­Jerusalem  Team):  works  in  progress  (Minutes  of Ottoman  municipality  1892‐1915,  Jerusalem  Archives  in  Amman…)
  • 18:30:  Discussion   (Discussant:  Roberto  Mazza,  Western  Illinois  University)

Seminar Announcement, 11 February 2014

Des archives municipales ottomanes (1892-1912)

aux archives citadines de Jérusalem (1840-1940)



  • 9:00 : welcome
  • 9:30: Vincent Lemire, introduction : «Le projet archives municipales (2010-2013), une préfiguration du projet Open Jerusalem (2014-2019)?»
  • 10:00: Falestin Naïli (IFPO Amman, member of Open Jerusalem Team) : «Jerusalem, Amman, Beirut and beyond: moving from the Jerusalem municipal archives to the collective memory of Ottoman Jerusalem in search of citadinité»

–> Please click here to read her text

–>  Please click here to read her presentation

  • 10:30: Yasemin Avci (Pamukkale Univ., member of Open Jerusalem Team): «Jerusalem Municipal Archives and Istanbul Imperial Archives in Osmänle: How to interconnect the two levels?»

–> Please click here to read her text

–> Please click here to read her presentation

  • 11:00: Merav Mack (CRFJ): «Open Jerusalem Survey: New Questionnaire and First Results»
  • 11:30: Discussion

Seminar Announcement, 29 November 2013

 Ouvrir les archives de Jérusalem:

pour une histoire connectée de la citadinité dans la ville sainte (1840/1940)



  • 9:00: welcome
  • 9:30: Vincent Lemire (Université Paris Est Marne la Vallée): introduction: “Où sont les archives citadines de Jérusalem? Premiers jalons d’une recherche en cours”
  • 10:00: Merav Mack (CRFJ): “The Jerusalems Archives and Libraries Survey (2007) and the Open-Jerusalem Project (2014-2019): similarities and differences”
  • 10:30: Roberto Mazza (Western Illinois University): “To Unlock the Holy City: Questions, Themes and Sources to Rediscover the Late Ottoman and Early British Jerusalem”
  • 11:00: Maria Chiara Rioli (Ecole normale supérieure de Pise): “Les archives de l’Eglise latine de Jérusalem sont-elles des archives citadines ?”
  • 11:30: discussion


Photo: Nebi Musa festival outside of the Damascus Gate (between 1898 and 1917), Jerusalem,  American Colony (Jerusalem). Photo Dept.