Historian, Research Assistant at Pamukkale University
Among her publications:
Aydın Vilayeti’nde Suç ve Ceza (1866-1877), Istanbul 2016
Academic webpage
Head of the Oriental Collections Department, National Library of Bulgaria
Among her publications:
- 2014: Към историята на българската текстилна промишленост (Документи за фабриката на Добри Желязков в Сливен). В: Библиотека, 6:21-3/ To the History of the Textile Industry in Bulgaria (Ottoman-Turkish documents about the factory of Dobri Jelyazkov in the town of Sliven)
- 2015: Късчета семейна история в огледалото на османотурските документи (тезкире-и османийе като документален извор) В: Библиотека, 6: 247-253 / Family History Reflected in the Mirror of Ottoman-Turkish Documents (tezkire-i osmaniyye as a documentary source)
- 2016: Пътници и пътни разрешителни в Османската империя: мюрур тезкирета от 19. век (под печат)/ Travelers and Travel Permits in the Ottoman Empire: murur tezkire of the 19.c. (under print)
Historian, Institute of Balkan Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Among his publications:
- İbrahim Müteferrika ya da İlk Osmanlı Matbaa Serüveni (1726-1746). Yeniden Değerlendirme. İstanbul: Yeditepe Yayınevi, 2006, 470 p. (in Turkish)
- Spiritus Roberti: Shaping New Minds and Robert College in Late Ottoman Society (1863-1923). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2014, 512 p. (in English)
- Ottoman Waqf and Muslim Education in Rumeli: Theory, Tradition, Practice. – Études balkaniques, 3-4, 1998, 130-145.
- The Legend of Köse Mihal: Additional Notes. – Turcica, 34, 2002, 241-253.
- Private Book Collections in Ottoman Sofia, 1671-1833 (Preliminary notes). – Études balkaniques, 1, 2003, 34-82.
- Du Patchwork vers le Puzzle: Structure de la société ottomane avant et pendant le Tanzimat (Conceptions). – In: Alexandre Exarh et les routes bulgares vers l’Europe XIXe début du XXe siècle. Stara Zagora, 2007, 87-102.
- The First Ottoman Turkish Printing Enterprise: Success or Failure (A Reassessment). – In: Ottoman Tulips, Ottoman Coffee. Leisure and Lifestyle in the Eighteenth century, ed. Dana Sajdi. London-New York: I. B. Tauris & Co, 2007, 63-89.
- Rich Men, Poor Men: Ottoman Printers and Booksellers Making Fortune or Seeking Survival (Eighteeenth-nineteenth Centuries). – Oriens, 37, 2009, 177-190.
- En attendant Godot. La formation d’une culture imprimée ottomane. – Études balkaniques Recherches interdisciplinaires sur les mondes hellénique et balkanique Cahiers Pierre Belon, 16, 2009, 219-237.
- In Search of Lost Time: How “Late” was the Introduction of Ottoman-Turkish Printing? – In: Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert /Europe and Turkey in the Eighteenth Century, ed. Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, Bonn University Press by V&R unipress, Göttingen, 2011, 447-456.
- A Tower of Babel in Constantinople: Robert College’s Students and Their Nationality. – Études balkaniques, 2011, 2-3, 117-159.
- A Virgin Deserving Paradise or a Whore Deserving Poison: Manuscript Tradition and Printed Books in Ottoman Turkish Society. – In: The History of the Book in the Middle East, ed. Geoffrey Roper, London: Ashgate, 2013, 143-164.
- “European ‘Seraglios’ and ‘Strange Arts’ as Seen by Ottoman Encounters from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century”, Ottoman Empire and European Theatre, vol. IV: Seraglios in Theatre, Music and Literature, eds. Michael Hüttler and Hans Ernst Weidinger, Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag, 2016, 231-244.
Academic webpage
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Centre d’études en sciences sociales du religieux (CéSoR), Paris
Among his publications:
- “Looking for the Daily Life of Orthodox Ethiopians in Jerusalem (1840-1940): Breaking Down Barriers Between Archives for Revealing Ethiopian Social Networks in Jerusalem”, Proceedings of Open Jerusalem International Symposium “Revealing Ordinary Jerusalem (1840-1940), New Archives and Perspectives on Urban Citizenship and Global Entanglements” (ERC, Forth), Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Rethymno, Greece, May 2016, forthcoming
- “Across the Archives: New Sources about the Ethiopian Christian Community in Jerusalem (1840-1940)”, (with Vincent Lemire), Jerusalem Quarterly, forthcoming
- “Travelling Books: Changes of Ownership and Location in Ethiopian Manuscript Culture”, in Giovanni Ciotti and Hang Lin (eds.), Tracing Manuscript in Time and Space through Paratexts, Studies in Manuscript Cultures, De Gruyter, Berlin-München-Boston: 269-299, 2016 URL
- «L´Église orthodoxe d´Éthiopie et la révolution: assurer sa survie par la réforme (1974-1991)», in Cahiers d´Études Africaines, vol. 220, Paris, 2015, 687-710
Academic webpage
Read his texts:
- «Work in Progress: Ethiopian Archives in Jerusalem», Open Jerusalem Mission, September 2015
- «Accessibilité des archives éthiopiennes d’Ethiopie et d’ailleurs : organisation, dispersion et destruction», «Ouvrir les archives», 13-14 April 2015
- «First Steps: Ethiopian Archives in Jerusalem», Open Jerusalem Mission, February 2015
- «Archival training session: concepts, tools and practices», Open Jerusalem Workshop, December 2014
Historian, University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Director of Open Jerusalem
Among his publications:
- Jérusalem. Histoire d’une ville-monde (ed.), Paris: Flammarion, 2016
- Jérusalem 1900. La ville sainte à l’âge des possibles, Paris: Armand Colin 2013; Paris: Editions du Seuil 2016
- with Y. Avci & F. Naili, «Publishing Jerusalem’s Ottoman Municipal Archives (1892-1917): A Turning Point for the City’s Historiography», Jerusalem Quarterly, no. 60, 2015, pp. 110-119
- La soif de Jérusalem. Essai d’hydrohistoire, 1840-1948, Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011
Academic webpage
Read his text:
«Ouvrir les archives d’une ville fermée?», «Ouvrir les archives», 13-14 April 2015
Graduate Student, Social Sciences, Istanbul Medeniyet University
Academic webpage
PhD Candidate, Marmara University / University of Birmingham
Among her publications:
- The Life of Emine Naciye Sultan (1896 – 1957), Master Thesis, Thesis supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Yüksel Çelik, Marmara University, Institute of Turkic Studies, İstanbul 2011.
- “Aşiret Mektebi-i Hümayunu”, Rengahenk Dergisi, KOCAV Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2011.
- “Darülmuallimat”, Rengahenk Dergisi, KOCAV Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2011.
- “Enver Paşa ve Naciye Sultan Aleyhine Bir Dava: Gayrimenkul Alımında İzlenen Gayrimeşru Yol”, Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi, İstanbul 2014.
Historian, Laskaridis Foundation; Research Team Assistant, Université Paris-Est Marné-la-Vallée
Among her publications:
- “Athens in the Ottoman map of 1827”, in Maloutas T., Spyrellis S. (eds), Athens Social Atlas. Digital compendium of texts and visual material, Athens 2015
- “The Carta Incognita of Ottoman Athens”, Marios Hadjianastasis (ed.), Frontiers of the Ottoman Imagination. Studies in Honour of Rhoads Murphey, Brill, 2014, 169-184
- “Greek notes on Labraunda and Milas”, LABRYS. Studies presented to Pontus Hellström, edited by Lars Karlsson, Susanne Carlsson and Jesper Blid Kullberg, 101-106, Uppsala Universitet, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations 35, Uppsala 2014
Academic webpage
Archivist, Bulgarian National Library, Sofia
Among her publications:
- Svedeniya al-Idrisi o Balkanah i ih istotchniki (Les informations d’al-Idrisi sur les Balkans et ses sources). Thèse soutenue en 1996 dans l’Institut des Etudes orientales auprès de l’Académie des Sciences de la Russie à Sanct Petersbourg; dirigée par le prof. Oleg G. Bolchakov (texte en russe).
- Bibliothèques et livres musulmans dans les territoires balkaniques de l’Empire ottoman (Le cas de Samokov XVIIIe-première moitié du XIXe siècle). Thèse préparée en vue de doctorat en Histoire et civilisations de l’Europe, dirigée par le prof. P. Dumont. Strasbourg, Université Marc Bloch, 2000, 585 p. Publié en 2002 par Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. Villeneuve d’Ascq CEDEX France.
- Balkanskiyat poluostrov izobrazen v kartite na al-Idrisi (La Péninsule Balkanique représentée sur les cartes d’al-Idrisi. Etude paléographique et historico-géographique). Sofia, 1990, 200 p.+23 illustr. (co-auteur B.Bechevliev; texte en bulgare, résumé en français et anglais).
- Knigi, biblioteki i tchitatelski interesi sred myusyulmanite ot Samokov (Livres, bibliothèques et centres d’intérêts chez les musulmans de la ville de Samokov XVIIIe – première moitié du XIXe siècle). Sofia, 2002, 352 p. (texte en bulgare, résumé en français).
- Bolnitsi za bedni i preselnitsi v Dunavskiya vilaet. Ejednevna i ejemesetchna statistika (Les Hôpitaux pour pauvres et émigrants dans le Vilayet de Danube. Statistique quotidienne et mensuelle). Sofia, 2015, 178 p. (texte en bulgare, résumé en français).
- Inventory of the Documents in Arabic Language Kept in the Oriental Department of Cyril and Methodius National Library in Sofia. Sofia, 1984, 400 p.
- Opis na djizie registri (Inventaire des registres de djizye, conservés dans le Département oriental de la Bibliothèque nationale de Bulgarie) (texte en bulgare) (co-auteur). Sofia, 1983, 228 p.
- From the Collections of Ottoman libraries in Bulgaria during the 18th-19th centuries. Sofia, 1999, 144 p. (co-auteur Z.Ivanova)
- Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in SS Cyril and Methodius National Library Sofia, Bulgaria. Hadith Sciences. Ed. by M. I. Waley. London, 1995, XXX+460 p.
- Catalogue des manuscripts orientaux du Département d’Etudes turques de l’Université de Strasbourg. Roma : Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino et CNRS “Mondes iranien et indien”, 2009, 272 p.
- Bulgaristan Milli Kütüphanesi Belgeleri Işığında Edirne’de Yaşam. Istanbul, 2010 (Trakya Universitesi Yayınları, 113). Catalogue d’exposition. 70 p. (co-auteur S. Ali).
- Brief Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts Preserved in St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library. Vol. І. ОR К1 – К19; ОR 1- ОR 200 (Co-auteur A. Stoilova). Sofia, 2013, 292 p.
General Director of Turkish National Historical Archives
Academic webpage
Historian, Associate Professor at Pamukkale University
Among her publications:
- Değişim Sürecinde Bir Osmanlı Kenti: Kudüs (1890-1914), Ankara 2004
Academic webpage
Opening Jerusalem Archives: for a connected history of 'Citadinité' in the Holy City (1840-1940)