Tag Archives: First World War

Jerusalem in the First World War: Public Conference by Falestin Naili

Open Jerusalem core team member Falestin Naili will give a lecture on Tuesday, 27 February, at the Institut français de Jordanie (IFJ) in Amman. The conference is entitled “The First World War in Jerusalem: The End of an Era?” and will be based on the analysis of the Jerusalem Municipal Council minutes and memoirs and diaries from that period.

READ MORE on the archival discovery, transcription and English translation of the Jerusalem Municipal Council minutes carried out in the framework of the Open Jerusalem project.

Les années de la Première Guerre mondiale constituent un tournant majeur dans l’histoire de Jérusalem, que les registres lacunaires du conseil municipal ne permettent d’élucider que croisés avec des mémoires et des journaux privés. Entre les fléaux naturels, les épidémies et le changement politique survenu en 1915, avec l’arrivée au pouvoir de gouverneur ottoman Çemal Pacha, la vie des habitants de la ville changea drastiquement, jusqu’à la reddition de décembre 1917.

Date, Time and Place

Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 6:30pm, Institut français de Jordanie (Amman, Jabal al-Weibdeh)



The conference will be held in French and Arabic

New Publication: Jerusalem Municipality and the First World War

The surrender of Jerusalem to the British, December 9, 1917. The Mayor of Jerusalem, with white flag, offers surrender to two British tommies (sergeants), Library of Congress


The new issue of the Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée is out. It includes the article by Falestin Naili, Open Jerusalem core team member, on “Chronique d’une mort annoncée ? La municipalité ottomane de Jérusalem dans la tourmente de la Première Guerre mondiale” (Chronicle of a Death Foretold? Jerusalem’s Ottoman municipality in the torment of the First World War).


Jerusalem Municipality and the First World War

Open Jerusalem team member Falestin Naïli will participate to the international conference on “The First World War in the Middle East: Experience, knowledge, memory” jointly organized by the OIB Orient-Institut Beirut, the Ifpo (Institut français du Proche-Orient), the History Department of the Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth and the Institute for Palestine Studies (3-4 November 2014) with a paper on “La guerre entre les lignes : la municipalité ottomane de Jérusalem face aux effets de la Première Guerre mondiale.”