Tag Archives: download

Seminar Announcement, 18 June 2014



  • 9:00:  welcome
  • 9:15:  Vincent  Lemire  (Université Paris-Est): « Open Jerusalem Project : a first assessment after 5 months »
  • 9:30:  Falestin  Naïli  (IFPO  Amman):  «The  Ottoman  municipality  of  Jerusalem:  how  to reconstruct  the  history  of  a  forgotten  urban  institution».

–> Please click here to read her text

  • 10:00:  Merav  Mack (CRFJ)  «The  Survey  of  Archives  in  Jerusalem:  toward  a  completion».

–> Please click here to read her presentation

  • 10:30:  Pierre-­Yves  Saunier  (Université  de  Laval  -­  Québec):  «Jusqu’où  ouvrir  Jérusalem? Curiosités,  questions  et  apostilles   sur  le  projet  Open  Jerusalem»

–> Please click here to read his text

  • 11:30:  discussion


Photo: An Ottoman map of the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, from 1882-83 (1300 AH), from the Sâlnâme-yi vilâyet-i Sûriye 1300 AH. From the Hathi Trust



Seminar Announcement, 7 May 2014



  • 15:00: Vincent  Lemire (UPEM):  «Which internal / external communication for the Open Jerusalem Project?»
  • 15:30:  Elena  Astafieva  (CNRS):  «The  Russian  Presence  in  Palestine:  Political,  Religious  and Cultural  aspects,  1840-1920»

–> Please click here to read her presentation

  • 16:00:  Marie-­Alpais  Torcheboeuf  (Ecole  nationale  des  Chartes):  «Les  archives  de  l’Ecole biblique  et  archéologique  de  Jérusalem:  présentation  du  premier  inventaire»

–> Please click here to read her text

  • 16:30:  coffee  break
  • 17:00:  Yann  Potin  (Archives  de  France):  «Regard  d’un archiviste  sur  le  projet  Open Jerusalem»

–> Please click here to read his text

  • 17:30:  Merav  Mack (CRFJ): works  in  progress

–> Please click here to read her presentation

–> Please click here to read her second presentation

  • 18:00:  Discussion


Photo: The Mosque of Al-Aksa, Jerusalem between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington

Seminar Announcement, 8 April 2014



  • 14:00: Vincent  Lemire: «Jerusalem is not (only) in Jerusalem : a transnational project between local and global»
  • 14:30:  Prof.  Yaron  Ben‐Naeh (Professor, HUJI): «Where  did  the  Sephardim  Disappear?»
  • 15:00:  Stéphane  Ancel  (Hiob  Ludolf  Centre  for  Ethiopian  Studies,  Hambourg): «The  Ethiopian  Orthodox  Church  in  Jerusalem  and  its  Archives»

–> Please click here to read his text

  • 15:30:  coffee  break
  • 16:00:  Leyla  Dakhli  (CR-CNRS,  IREMAM):  «Imperial  multilingualism  and  national  translations?  Understanding  the  Ottoman  linguistic  practices»
  • 16:30:  Flavia  Ruani  (EPHE): «The  Syriac  Orthodox  Community  in  Jerusalem  and  its archives»

–> Please click here to read her text

  • 17:00:  Merav  Mack (CRFJ): works  in  progress  (last  visits, contacts,  finalization  of  the  questionnaire…)
  • 17:30:  Discussion


Photo: General view, Jerusalem between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington

Seminar Announcement, 20 March 2014



  • 15:00:  welcome
  • 15:30:  Vincent  Lemire:  «Under the Canopy: How to move in a documentary archipelago?»
  • 16:00:  Michelle  Campos  (ZMO  ‐  Zentrum  Moderner  Orient,  Berlin):  «‘Unmixing’  the  Holy City:  Civic  Disintegration  and  Urban  Segregation  in  Mandatory  Jerusalem»
  • 16:45:  Angelos  Dalachanis  (IREMAM,  Aix‐en-­Provence):  «From Suez  to  Jérusalem: studying  urban  and  social  history  through  the  Greek  archives»

–> Please click here to read his text

  • 17:30:  Merav  Mack (CRFJ):  works  in  progress  (last visits,  Christ  Church  Archives,  Sephardi  Community  Archives,  Questionnaire…)
  • 18:00:  Falestin  Naïli  (IFPO,  member  of  Open-­Jerusalem  Team):  works  in  progress  (Minutes  of Ottoman  municipality  1892‐1915,  Jerusalem  Archives  in  Amman…)
  • 18:30:  Discussion   (Discussant:  Roberto  Mazza,  Western  Illinois  University)

Seminar Announcement, 11 February 2014

Des archives municipales ottomanes (1892-1912)

aux archives citadines de Jérusalem (1840-1940)



  • 9:00 : welcome
  • 9:30: Vincent Lemire, introduction : «Le projet archives municipales (2010-2013), une préfiguration du projet Open Jerusalem (2014-2019)?»
  • 10:00: Falestin Naïli (IFPO Amman, member of Open Jerusalem Team) : «Jerusalem, Amman, Beirut and beyond: moving from the Jerusalem municipal archives to the collective memory of Ottoman Jerusalem in search of citadinité»

–> Please click here to read her text

–>  Please click here to read her presentation

  • 10:30: Yasemin Avci (Pamukkale Univ., member of Open Jerusalem Team): «Jerusalem Municipal Archives and Istanbul Imperial Archives in Osmänle: How to interconnect the two levels?»

–> Please click here to read her text

–> Please click here to read her presentation

  • 11:00: Merav Mack (CRFJ): «Open Jerusalem Survey: New Questionnaire and First Results»
  • 11:30: Discussion

Seminar Announcement, 29 November 2013

 Ouvrir les archives de Jérusalem:

pour une histoire connectée de la citadinité dans la ville sainte (1840/1940)



  • 9:00: welcome
  • 9:30: Vincent Lemire (Université Paris Est Marne la Vallée): introduction: “Où sont les archives citadines de Jérusalem? Premiers jalons d’une recherche en cours”
  • 10:00: Merav Mack (CRFJ): “The Jerusalems Archives and Libraries Survey (2007) and the Open-Jerusalem Project (2014-2019): similarities and differences”
  • 10:30: Roberto Mazza (Western Illinois University): “To Unlock the Holy City: Questions, Themes and Sources to Rediscover the Late Ottoman and Early British Jerusalem”
  • 11:00: Maria Chiara Rioli (Ecole normale supérieure de Pise): “Les archives de l’Eglise latine de Jérusalem sont-elles des archives citadines ?”
  • 11:30: discussion


Photo: Nebi Musa festival outside of the Damascus Gate (between 1898 and 1917), Jerusalem,  American Colony (Jerusalem). Photo Dept.