Historian, University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Director of Open Jerusalem
Among his publications:
- Jérusalem. Histoire d’une ville-monde (ed.), Paris: Flammarion, 2016
- Jérusalem 1900. La ville sainte à l’âge des possibles, Paris: Armand Colin 2013; Paris: Editions du Seuil 2016
- with Y. Avci & F. Naili, «Publishing Jerusalem’s Ottoman Municipal Archives (1892-1917): A Turning Point for the City’s Historiography», Jerusalem Quarterly, no. 60, 2015, pp. 110-119
- La soif de Jérusalem. Essai d’hydrohistoire, 1840-1948, Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011
Academic webpage
Read his text:
«Ouvrir les archives d’une ville fermée?», «Ouvrir les archives», 13-14 April 2015

Historian, INALCO, Paris
Among her publications:
- Most Secret Agent of Empire: Reginald Teague-Jones Master Spy of the Great Game, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014
- La construction d’une capitale à l’époque soviétique, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007
Academic webpage

Historian, University of Paris XIII; Archivist, French National Archives
Among his publications:
- Jérusalem. Histoire d’une ville-monde, ed. by Vincent Lemire, Paris: Flammarion, 2016
- «Archives Duby: un inventaire provisoire», in Georges Duby, portrait de l’historien en ses archives, Patrick Boucheron et Jacques Dalarun (eds.), Paris: Gallimard, 2015, 26-57
«Les archives et la matérialité différée du pouvoir. Titres, écrins ou substituts de la souveraineté?», Pouvoirs, revue française d’études constitutionnelles et politiques, n. 153, 2015, 5-21
Lucien Febvre, Michelet, créateur de l’Histoire de France, Paris: La Librairie Vuibert, 2014 [édition annotée avec Brigitte Mazon, et avant-propos «De Febvre à Michelet, naissance de l’historiographie de la France]
Academic webpage
Read his texts:

Director, Christian Heritage Institute, Jerusalem
Among his publications:
- The Commercial Life in Ottoman Jerusalem, in Ottoman Jerusalem. The Living City, 1517-1917, edited by
Sylvia Auld and Robert Hillenbrand, Jerusalem, Altajir World of Islam Trust, 2000, 229-234
- History of the Armenians in the Holy Land. Authors, (with Kevork Hintlian), Jerusalem, St. James Press, 1976

Graduate Student, Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Among his publications:
- The Crisis of “Elite” Perception in Contemporary Armenian Society”, Լրաբեր Հասարակական Գիտությունների, 1, 2015, pp. 260-266
Academic webpage
Opening Jerusalem Archives: for a connected history of 'Citadinité' in the Holy City (1840-1940)