Tag Archives: Archives of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land

Open Jerusalem at “In partibus fidelium”

Maria Chiara Rioli, Open Jerusalem core team member, and Marion Blocquet, Open Jerusalem research collaborator, will be among the speakers at the conference entitled “In partibus fidelium”. Missions du Levant et connaissance de l’Orient chrétien (XIXe-XXIe siècles), organized by the research program MissMO. Missions chrétiennes et sociétés du Moyen-Orient : organisations, identités, patrimonialisation (XIXe-XXIe siècles).

Their paper presentation on “The characters of Jerusalem. The Franciscan Printing Press and the Terra Santa Review (1921-1940)” is part of the Open Jerusalem research project on the history of the Franciscan Printing Press.


READ  the article «Family libraries and printing presses in Jerusalem (1840-1940): Production, circulation and reception of multilingual documents» (L. Dakhli, V. Lemire and A. Cohen)

Leyla Dakhli


Historian, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin

Among her publications:

  • (ed.), Le Moyen Orient (Fin XIXè-début XXè), Paris: Éditions du Seuil «Points», 2016
  • with Vincent Lemire (eds.), Etudier en liberté les mondes méditerranéens. Mélanges offerts à Robert Ilbert, Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2016
  • Histoire du Proche-Orient contemporain, Paris: La Découverte, 2015
  • Une génération d’intellectuels arabes. Syrie et Liban, 1908-1940, Paris: Karthala-IISMM, 2009

Academic webpage

Read her text: