Category Archives: Research Collaborators

Roberto Mazza

Historian, Research Associate at the University of Limerick

Among his publications:

  • Jerusalem in World War One: the Palestine Diary of a European Diplomat, I.B.Tauris: London, 2011
  • Jerusalem: from the Ottomans to the British, I.B.Tauris: London, 2009
  • “Missing Voices in Late Ottoman and Early British Jerusalem” Jerusalem Quarterly 53, (Spring 2013), 61-71
  • “For God and La Patrie: Antonin Jaussen Dominican and French Agent in the Middle East 1914-1920”, First World War Studies 3, No. 2 (October 2012), p. 145-164
  • “Dining Out in Times of War: Jerusalem 1914-1918”, The Jerusalem Quarterly 41 (Spring 2010), 52-58
  • “Antonio de la Cierva y Lewita: the Spanish Consul in Jerusalem 1914-1919”, The Jerusalem Quarterly 40, (Winter 2010), 36-44
  • “Churches at War: The Impact of the First World War on the Christian Institutions of Jerusalem 1914-20”, Middle Eastern Studies 45, No. 2 (March 2009), 207-227

Academic webpage

Salim Tamari


Historian and Sociologist, Institute of Palestine Studies Senior Fellow

Among his publications:

  • The Storyteller of Jerusalem: The Life and Times of Wasif Jawhariyyeh (with Issam Nassar, trans. by Nada Elzeer (North Hampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2014)
  • Year of the Locust. A Soldier’s Diary and the Erasure of Palestine’s Ottoman Past (with Ihsan Salih Turjman), Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011
  • Jerusalem 1948. The Arab Neighbourhoods and Their Fate in the War, Institute of Jerusalem Studies &Badil, Jerusalem 1999

Academic webpage

Jonas Sibony


Post-doctoral Fellow, CeRMOM (Centre de Recherches Moyen-Orient Méditerranée), INALCO, Paris

Among his publications:

  • «Etat des lieux sur la racine trilitère en sémitique et sur sa fonction dans l’organisation du lexique», Journal Asiatique, Volume 303, numéro 2, 2015, 181-196
  • «Odeurs, souffle et sacré en hébreu classique, décryptage d’un réseau sémantique», Bulletin d’Etudes Orientales, Volume 64-2015, sous la direction de Julie Bonnéric, Presses de l’IFPO, 99-111
  • Thèse de doctorat Sciences du langage-linguistique / études arabes (ENSL 2013): De l’analysibilité des racines de l’hébreu biblique, Thèse dirigée par M. Georges Bohas

Academic webpage

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Flavia Ruani


Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Gent

Among her publications:

  • (with Emilie Villey) L’histoire De L’apôtre Philippe Syriaque: Critical Edition, Translation and Notes, Brepols, 2017 (forthcoming)
  • “John of Dara on Mani: Manichaean Interpretations of Genesis 2 :17 in Syriac.” IAMS Symposium Proceedings. Ed. Erica Hunter, Sam Lieu, & Enrico Morano, Brill, 2017 (forthcoming)

Academic webpage

Hassan Hassan

Lecturer of Hebrew Languages, University of Jordan, Amman

Among his publications:

  • “Hebräische Elemente und ihre Wege in die deutsche Sprache”, in A. Noor (ed.), Naharaim: Zeitschrift für deutsch-jüdische Literatur und Kulturgeschichte, vol. 5, pp. 96–114, De Gruyter, Berlin-New York 2011
  • “Spoken and written Arabic of Israeli Arabs, mutual influences with Modern Hebrew language”, Dirasat, Vol. l42, No 2, June 2015, Amman (Arabic)