Category Archives: Collaborators

Christophe Jacobs

Archivist, Historian & Consultant, Limonade & Co

Among his publications:

  • (with Paul Bertrand), « Digital Humanities et critique historique documentaire – Digital ou critical turn ? », in Les historiens et l’informatique : un métier à réinventer. Rome : Ecole française de Rome, 2011. (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome, 444), p.126-139.
  • « Lorsque la coopération internationale s’intéresse aux archives : l’exemple de la justice tunisienne », COMMA, 2008-1, p. 117-122.
  • (with Vincent Haegele), « La pratique archivistique dans le ministère des Finances napolitain à l’époque de Joseph Bonaparte : une vision originale de la gestion des affaires économiques », Revue de l’Institut Napoléon, n°192, 2006-I, p. 43-61.
  • « Standards, web et bonnes pratiques archivistiques : l’exemple d’EAD », Archimag, n°209, nov. 2007, p. 39-41.

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Pierre-Yves Saunier

Historian, University of Laval, Canada

Among his publications:

  • Wedges and webs. Rockefeller nursing fellowships 1920-1940″, in Giles Scott Smith and Ludovic Tournès ed., Global Exchanges: Scholarship and Transnational Circulations in the Contemporary World, Berghahn, 2017
  • «L’école d’infirmières de Lyon» & « L’action philanthropique états-unienne» , in Nicolas Beaupré, Anne Charmasson-Creus, Fanny Giraudier et Thomas Breban, Lyon sur tous les fronts. Une ville dans la grande guerre, Lyon: Silvana Editoriale, 2014
  • Transnational History, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
  • «The next big thing…historians, let us all be Belgians! A few comments about Belgium’s heuristic power», forum “Beyond Belgium: Encounters, Exchanges and Entanglements, 1900-1925», in Journal of Belgian History,  XLIII: 4, 2013, 150-154
  • «Les régimes circulatoires du domaine social 1800-1940: projets et ingénierie de la convergence et de la différence», Genèses, 71, juin 2008, 4-25
  • «Learning by Doing: Notes about the Making of the Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History», Journal of Modern European History, 2/2008, 159-180
  • with Shane Ewen, eds, Another Global City. Historical Explorations into the Transnational Municipal Moment 1850-2000, New York: Palgrave, 2008

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François Rimelen

Independent Archivist

Among his publications:

Emmanuelle Giry

Archivist, French National Archives

Among her publications:

  • Giry (Emmanuelle) and Le Goff (Armelle), «Les missions archéologiques françaises à l’étranger dans les fonds des Archives nationales», in Les Nouvelles de l’archéologie, n° 145, September 2016, 57-63
  • Giry (Emmanuelle), Pirio (Edith), «La faculté de médecine de Paris et ses transformations au cours du second XXe siècle», in De l’Université de Paris aux universités d’Ile-de-France, ed. by Florence Bourillon, Éléonoe Marantz, Stéphanie Méchine, Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 111-120
  • Giry (Emmanuelle), La construction du concept de jeunesse par l’État, à travers ses archives», in La Gazette des Archives, n° 235 «Archives des jeunesses, jeunesses des archives», 2014, 24-36
  • Giry (Emmanuelle), «Archives nationales : des perspectives renouvelées pour les archives de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche», in La Gazette des Archives, n° 193 «Les Archives des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche», 2013, 80-96

Katharine Halls

Arabic-English translator. Graduate student at the American University in Cairo

Among her publications:

Selected translations:

  • Articles in Modern Art of the Arab World: Primary Documents, MoMA, forthcoming 2017.
  • Abraham Daninos, ‘The Pleasure Trip of Sweethearts Reunited and the Agonies of Love Unrequited in the City of Tiryaq in Iraq’, extract, and James Sanua (Abou Naddara), selections, in Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization vol. 6, 1750-1880, forthcoming 2017.
  • Raja Alem, The Dove’s Necklace, Overlook Press, 2016. Co-translation with Adam Talib.

Academic webpage

Lilach Lilie Assaf

Independent Historian

Among her publications:

  • “Naming Practices, Kinship, and Households in Late Medieval Ashkenazi Communities”, in Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 32 (forthcoming)
  • “Lovely Women and Sweet Men: Gendering the Name and Naming Practices in German Jewish Communities (13th-14th c.)”, in Intricate Interfaith Networks: Quotidian Jewish-Christian Contacts in the Middle Ages, Ephraim Shoham and Gerhard Jaritz, eds. (Brepols: Turnhout, 2016), pp. 231-250
  • “The Language of Names: Jewish Onomastics in Late Medieval Germany, Identity and Acculturation”, in Zugehörigkeit(en). Spätmittelalterliche Praktiken der Namengebung im europäischen Vergleich, Christof Rolker and Gabriela Signori, eds. (Konstanz: UVK, 2011), pp. 149-160

Academic webpage

Şerife Eroğlu Memiş

Historian, Archive of General Directorate of Foundations, Ankara

Among her publications:

  • 2017: “Appointment Registers as Archival Sources for Waqf Studies between Ottomanization and Local Networks: The Case of the Waqfs of Magharibah Neighborhood”, Proceedings of Open Jerusalem International Symposium “Revealing Ordinary Jerusalem (1840-1940), New Archives and Perspectives on Urban Citizenship and Global Entanglements” (ERC, Forth), Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Rethymno, Greece, May 2016, forthcoming.
  • 2016:  “Hurûfât ya da ‘Askerî Rûznâmçe Defterlerinde yer Alan Vakıf Kurumları Dışındaki Atamaların Kazâ-yı Kudüs-i Şerif Örneğinde İncelenmesi,” OTAM, 39, s. 75-104.
  • 2015: Hurûfât ya da ‘Askerî Rûznâmçe Defterleri’nde Esnaf Teşkilatı Atama Kayıtları ve Önemi: Kazâ-i Kudüs-i Şerif Örneği”, Osmanlıdan Günümüze Filistin Sempozyumu, Bildiriler, c.I, TTK Yay.
  • 2013: “Osmanlı Toplumsal Tarihi Kaynaklarından Hurûfât ya da ‘Askerî Rûznâmçe Defterleri: Kazâ-i Kudüs-i Şerif Örneği,  Vakıflar Dergisi, s. 39: 115-146.

Academic webpage


Konstantinos Gkotsinas


Historian, Centre de recherche historique, Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Among his publications:

  • (with D. Bacharas), “The Youth of the Social Margins in the Years of the Financial Crisis” [in Greek], in L. Kotsonopoulos, D. Papadimitriou, Z. Synodinos (eds), Youth and Financial Crisis in Greece, 1929 and 2008 [in Greek], Athens: Gutenberg, 2016, pp. 173-197
  • « Le traitement de la toxicomanie en Grèce de l’entre-deux-guerres » in Alcoologie et Addictologie, vol. 38, no 1, 2016, pp. 21-26
  • Social Ulcers: Drugs and Greek Interwar Society, PhD thesis, EHESS, 2015 [unpublished]
  • Attitudes towards Heroin Addicts and Addiction in Interwar Greece”, Central Europe, vol. 12, Issue 2, November 2014, pp. 174-194

Academic webpage



Lora Gerd


Historian, Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg

Among her publications:

  • (with Sergey A. Ivanov), «An unknown post-byzantine journey to the other world», Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2016, pp. 227-248
  • Архимандрит Антонин (Капустин). Дневник. 1851-1855 /Изд. подг. Л. А. Герд, К. А. Вах. М., «Индрик», 2015
  • Russian Policy in the Orthodox East: The Patriarchate of Constantinople (1878-1914), Warsaw/Berlin: De Gruyter Open, 2014

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