Des archives municipales ottomanes (1892-1912)
aux archives citadines de Jérusalem (1840-1940)
- 9:00 : welcome
- 9:30: Vincent Lemire, introduction : «Le projet archives municipales (2010-2013), une préfiguration du projet Open Jerusalem (2014-2019)?»
- 10:00: Falestin Naïli (IFPO Amman, member of Open Jerusalem Team) : «Jerusalem, Amman, Beirut and beyond: moving from the Jerusalem municipal archives to the collective memory of Ottoman Jerusalem in search of citadinité»
–> Please click here to read her text
–> Please click here to read her presentation
- 10:30: Yasemin Avci (Pamukkale Univ., member of Open Jerusalem Team): «Jerusalem Municipal Archives and Istanbul Imperial Archives in Osmänle: How to interconnect the two levels?»
–> Please click here to read her text
–> Please click here to read her presentation
- 11:00: Merav Mack (CRFJ): «Open Jerusalem Survey: New Questionnaire and First Results»
- 11:30: Discussion
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Open Jerusalem (February 11, 2014). Seminar Announcement, 11 February 2014. Open Jerusalem. Retrieved February 6, 2025 from