Open Jerusalem core team workshop just concluded few days ago. It was the first opportunity for the whole team to meet up, and therefore it represented an extremely important moment of exchange.
We shared our academic, work and personal experiences. We also formulated questions, methodologies and expectations concerning the study of Jerusalem citadinité we aim to deepen during the next 5 years in the frame of the ERC project.
We organized some internal and external channels of study and communication (i.e. chronologies, biographies, dictionaries, translations, spatial and archival maps, website, social networks).
We clearly formulated the elements of strenghts and weakness of our project and team.
We scheduled future meetings, particularly:
– November seminar in Amman (program coming soon here)
– December training session at the French National Archives
– January trip to Istanbul in order to work in the Imperial Ottoman Archives
This three-day workshop was full of meetings, thoughts, questions, emotions, and dreams. We hope to constantly improve in this collaborative way of working.
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Open Jerusalem (October 6, 2014). Opening “Open Jerusalem”. Notes from OJ team workshop. Open Jerusalem. Retrieved February 6, 2025 from