ERC Funded Project
Opening Jerusalem’s Archives:
for a Connected History of ‘Citadinité’
in the Holy City (1840-1940)
Programme for round-table workshop
“New Perspectives for Jerusalem’s Late Ottoman
Sources and Resources in Jordan”
Monday the 24th of November from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
at the Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO) in Amman
9:30 am
Word of welcome by Vanessa Guéno
Opening remarks by Falestin Naili and Vincent Lemire
9:45 am
“Jerusalem, Amman, Beirut and beyond: moving from the Jerusalem municipal archives to the collective memory of Ottoman Jerusalem in search of citadinité (urban citizenship)”
Falestin Naili
10:15 am
“Jerusalem Municipal Archives and Istanbul Imperial Archives: how to interconnect the two levels”
Yasemin Avci
10:45 am
“The Hebrew newspaper Ha-Zvi: a mirror of Jerusalem’s public affairs at the turn of the century”
Abdul-Hameed Al Kayyali
11:15 – 11:40 Coffee break
11:45 am
“Water and its Sources in Jerusalem in the Ottoman period”
Nufan Al Sawariah
12:15 pm
“Jerusalem’s court registers as a source for social history”
Abla Muhtadi
12:45 pm
Synthesis and closing remarks
Mohammed Adnan Al Bakhit
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Open Jerusalem (November 19, 2014). Round-Table Workshop: New Perspectives for Jerusalem’s Social History. Open Jerusalem. Retrieved January 16, 2025 from