- 15:00: Vincent Lemire (UPEM): «Which internal / external communication for the Open Jerusalem Project?»
- 15:30: Elena Astafieva (CNRS): «The Russian Presence in Palestine: Political, Religious and Cultural aspects, 1840-1920»
–> Please click here to read her presentation
- 16:00: Marie-Alpais Torcheboeuf (Ecole nationale des Chartes): «Les archives de l’Ecole biblique et archéologique de Jérusalem: présentation du premier inventaire»
–> Please click here to read her text
- 16:30: coffee break
- 17:00: Yann Potin (Archives de France): «Regard d’un archiviste sur le projet Open Jerusalem»
–> Please click here to read his text
- 17:30: Merav Mack (CRFJ): works in progress
–> Please click here to read her presentation
–> Please click here to read her second presentation
- 18:00: Discussion
Photo: The Mosque of Al-Aksa, Jerusalem between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington
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Open Jerusalem (May 7, 2014). Seminar Announcement, 7 May 2014. Open Jerusalem. Retrieved February 6, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/sjhf